Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow and Avocado Sandwiches

Yesterday started the first serious snowfall of NW Ohio, ie......the snow is still on the ground and the roads ride like they haven't been plowed. It's great, especially if you like wondering if you'll ever see your KElet again for a job you strongly dislike. Really.... I couldn't ask for more.

This weekend, I made my first American Chinese dish, Mongolian Beef. It was good. BigDaddy always critiques everything I make. It's handy when you want it and not handy when you don't. I need a neon sign that says 'Praise' or 'Honest Assessment' I can turn on as needed. Poor BigDaddy is just trying to be helpful, or so I keep telling myself. 'Tis the nature of the beast. The thing I sometimes loathe is what makes him great at everything else he does.

We also had the yearly reunion with my FIL's extended family. One of the benefits of being a mom was that I was blessed enough to have to give KElet a bottle and stay with her for her two hour nap while everyone else was downstairs. In 7 years, that was the best reunion ever. We were around enough to say 'hello' and have people remark how beautiful KElet's eyes are but short enough that a bunch of people weren't trying to horn in on my holding time. The weekend really is my biggest opportunity to snuggle with my babe.

To top off the weekend our first meaningful snowfall started yesterday morning right after BigDaddy left for a Detriot Lions game, and little KElet went out in the snow for the first time in her snowsuit later that evening. I try to get as many 'firsts' in as I can since I work all day and my MIL is lucky enough to be around to witness everything I cannot. Oh to one day be a homemaker. A serious dream. Those of you who are able, I know it comes at a sacrifice of many things, but I do envy you.

Anyway, I chronicled our 5 minute adventure in the backyard at 6pm, which equals pitch black...... I did not, however, capture the lack of joy KElet expressed in putting the appropriate snow-wear on to go outside. I was reminded of Ralphie's brother in The Christmas Story.
She was not impressed...

After we came in, KElet decided snow was pretty amazing as long as we were inside and NOT in a snowsuit.

So should be eaten.

Upon finishing her second helping of the snowmeal --yes, I went out and grabbed another handful of clean snow for her-- I decided it was time for a real dinner. Steamed beets for both of us; rice noodles, Ezekiel toast with coconut oil, avocado, and a little kale to play with while eating for KElet. I also had a massaged kale salad --thank you Gena of and an avocado sandwich with my steamed beets. It was actually the first time I'd had beets not as a part of something else (I used them in chili earlier this Fall.), and KElet hadn't EVER had beets, unless my MIL is sneaking them in, which I doubt.
Massaged Kale Salad....and the carrot I got tired of grating.
Avocado Sandwich with Dijon Mustard and a side of steamed beets.

Avocado Sandwich Recipe
1/2 Avocado
1/2 Pita Bread
2 slices Roma Tomato
Green Onion to taste
Dijon Mustard
Sprouts ( I had alfalfa on hand)

Slice avocado into 4-5 long strips depending on size of avocado. Place tomato and mustard in pita first. Then add green onion, avocado slices, and sprouts. I have yet to make a pita that doesn't pop. It could be my American sized appetite, but it's all veggies for cryin' out loud!

All in all, it was a good weekend filled with good food and mostly good people, except the one uncle who is the shame of the family, literally. He creeps me out something fierce.


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